Remote assistance

For customers who have a maintenance contract, the remote assistance service is included in our plans and does not require the permanent installation of any software on your computer. The way to proceed is as follows: download and/or run a program, give us your authorization, and once finished our technical support will not leave any trace.

DOWNLOAD SUPREMO (Windows) Saber más

Follow these simple steps

  1. Get in touch with PcClínica by phone (+34) 984 06 52 24 or (+34) 606 96 12 11, our email or through our contact form.
  2. Click the "Download Supremo" button below.
  3. If the user account control and/or the firewall of our equipment skips, click on execute and/or allow.
  4. Provide our interlocutor with the id and password that appears under the heading "Sus datos".
  5. Stop using the keyboard and mouse and wait for the technician to take control and fix the problem.
Download Supremo