The importance of software updates


Updates are very important and can be the solution to many of the problems that we may have on our PC.

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Is it important to update the operating system?

When we buy a computer, one of the first tasks we will have to face is updating the operating system. This work is heavy and boring but much less than having to deal with the junk software that manufacturers shower us with on any new PC.

After this short introduction, what I would like to emphasize is that under no circumstances should we view operating system updates as something unimportant; The updates are designed with the purpose of keeping our equipment protected against any threat from viruses, malware and cybercriminal attacks, in addition to providing us with modifications and improvements in many of the applications that comprise it. That is why the automatic update system built into most modern operating systems play such an important role in their performance as they allow us to have a computer with the lowest possible failure rate.

Is it necessary to update the programs on our PC?

Not only is it necessary to let the operating system update automatically, but also many programs and applications can and should do the same to always stay in excellent working order. Programs usually come prepared to connect to their developers' servers to check if there are updates to your code or new versions of the product. Although this seems like an important intrusion to us, the truth is that it is a very healthy habit and that in the long run it will provide us with a security framework, and hopefully, new functionalities for our programs.

Types of updates

Basically, the list with the types of software that we should always take into account when considering updating our equipment is the following:

Antivirus or other security programs such as Firewalls or Antimalware
Controllers or device drivers
version updates

All of them are usually designed to improve capacity and correct security-related problems or errors that your code may contain, in addition to, of course, improving performance.

In which cases can we skip updates?

In the only cases in which we can ignore the notifications of updates available for a program, it is when it already has a certain age and works well on a specific platform, since an update of it can lead to incompatibilities and even that cannot be executed.

To give an example of this, an application that in a certain version works well in Windows XP, when you upgrade it to a newer version, it probably won't work well under that old version of Windows. This is because our operating system does not support the new features and functionalities of said application.

Definitely, in the vast majority of cases we should not ignore updates, and although it seems that we have our own reasons for being able to ignore them, the truth is that we cannot always control what happens in our environment, nor the relationship that these programs have with our data or with other programs, that is to say that if we consider that by not using the Internet, for example, we are safe from anything that could happen, we are very wrong.

Updates are something really important, since they can include fixes to critical security or execution problems, and they can be the solution to many of the problems that we may have on our PC.

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